VETTS 200 Club

We are pleased to be running a 200 Club, open to any member of VETTS. All monies raised will be invested for the benefits of the society. A copy of the rules can be downloaded here 200 Club Rules
- Subscription to the club costs only £12.00 per annum, payable by either standing order or direct debit.
- There will be six (6) draws per season. Draws will be made at the VETTS Masters Tournament weekends.
- There is no limit on the amount of numbers a member can hold. Just remember one number = £12.00 per annum, two numbers = £24.00 per annum (and so on)
- Please either complete the online form by following this link 200 Club Application, or complete form downloadable from here and send it to the 200 Club Secretary, but the completed bank mandate must go directly to your bank.
- At each draw there will be the following monetary prizes: 1 x £100, 1 x £75, 1 x £50, 1 x £25 (with an extra £25 prize available at the Nationals draw)
- Winners notified be post, email, website and FB (basically any means of getting a notification to the relevant winners)
Any questions, please contact Sue Collier (200 Club Secretary) or feel free to stop and have a chat at one of the tournaments.